What´s Next ?

What´s Next ?


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Power Out of Restriction
We are a socially-minded organisation that focuses on the development of communities through the elevation of young people. POoR sees the power of the younger generation and seeks to get young voices heard.
We are a design practice that works with young people to create tangible outputs in their local environments. We do this through design, programmes and engagement.

Elke Backes

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Im Gespräch mit: Elke Backes

“Gelernte Bankkauffrau, ausgebildete Bestatterin und Geschäftsführerin im Familienunternehmen, studierte Kommunikationsdesignerin, promovierte Kunsthistorikerin, Gründerin und Redakteurin von ELKEBACKES-ARTDIALOG.COM.”

“Das sind meine bisherigen beruflichen Schritte. Ob als Dienstleister in einem helfenden Beruf oder in der Auseinandersetzung mit angewandter und bildender Kunst: Immer ist es die Kommunikation, die meinen Werdegang bestimmt. “

“Mein besonderes Interesse gilt dabei der ganzheitlichen Betrachtung einer Situation unter Berücksichtigung des räumlichen und sozialen Umfelds. Dieser ganzheitliche Blick spiegelt sich in meinen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten sowie journalistisch-künstlerischen Inszenierungen aus Text, Fotos und bewegten Bildern.”

“Für KURA Concepts Raumkonzepte mit Kunst für Menschen in angstbesetzten Räumen zu entwickeln, mit Kunst helfen und den Heilungsprozess begünstigen zu können, führt all meine Kompetenzen und Philosophien zusammen. Eine wie auf mich zugeschnittene Aufgabe und ein nächster Schritt …”

What´s Next?

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In this episode im talking to Accelerating Change Together
Accelerating Change Together (ACT) is a social enterprise of architects, urbanists and policy specialists here to help accelerate Ireland’s Green Transition.
“Our vision is an Ireland that is carbon negative, ecologically thriving and social inclusive.
We do this by implementing sustainable development, inspiring change at a community level and designing a beautiful future.”
What must change and what can we as architects do to design ourselves out of the climate crisis
Let´s have a look into the future and get to know their opinion on how the future might look like.

The Company Studio

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In this episode im talking to The Company Studios
Meet Maximiliano Aduki
Breaking boundaries is very welcome, never jump into a pool without water and do every day a small stepp for yourself. Get to know an inspiring character.
His thoughts on the future living and working space.
What must change and what can we as architects do to design ourselves out of the climate crisis.
Let´s have a look into the future and get to know their opinion on how the future might look like.
Have fun listening!

Studio Andràs Weiszkopf

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In this episode im talking to Studio Andràs Weiszkopf
Meet Andràs Weiszkopf
Get to know a young and ambitious architect and teacher at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Residential Building Design.
His thoughts on the future living and working space.
What must change and what can we as architects do to design ourselves out of the climate crisis.
Let´s have a look into the future and get to know their opinion on how the future might look like.
Have fun listening!

GAAN Architects

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In this episode im talking to GAAN Architects
Meet David Magennis

“from the cantonese, describing the silkworms fabrication of its cocoon from the chaff it eats - an elegantly crafted and uniquely comfortable home. This speaks to our experience and goals, we have made award winning architecture through hard work, with what we have been given and we will work hard with you, to get the best most appropriate solution to your project. All projects are bespoke, crafted pieces of high quality architecture - this comes from our enjoyment of getting in depth to you, your brief and your site in order to develop the best solution.”


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In this episode im talking to object-e-architecture.
Meet Dimitris Gourdoukis
“Object-e architecture is a platform that explores new territories in architectural design. The aim of the activities in which it takes part, is the constant invention of processes and strategies that will allow architectural creation to be in continuous transformation. Object-e engages design at its various scales, trying to graft together the technological, social, political and ecological issues that architecture is facing today. Object-e operates in architecture and design in three different – but always connected – levels: Through specific design projects that are answers to specific design questions, private projects or competitions. Through experimental research projects that are aiming to extend our understanding of space, digital media and fabrication. Through teaching; either in established institutions or independently, the sharing of knowledge is always the core that allows the rest to happen.”
Let´s have a look into the future and get to know his opinion on how the future might look like.

Schneider Hoffmann Architekten

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In this episode im talking to Schneider Hoffmann Architekten
Meet Lisa Schneider and Peter Hoffmann
“Fast pausenlos umgeben wir uns mit von Menschen gestalteten Dingen oder gebauten Räumen.Für uns als hochgradig emotionale Wesen spielen Aspekte wie Materialität, Haptik, Licht, Akustikund Raumklima eine übergeordnete Rolle bei der Wahrnehmung dieser Räume.

Unser großer Wunsch und Ziel ist es, gute Gebäude und Räume für Menschen zu schaffen,in denen wir uns wohlfühlen und gerne leben möchten. Wir sind fest davon überzeugt,dass sich gut gestaltete Räume – vom Büro bis zum Stadtraum – positiv auf unsere psychischeund physische Gesundheit und somit auf unsere gesamte Gesellschaft auswirken.

Neben der guten Gestaltung von Räumen sollte es selbstverständlich sein, nachhaltigeund ökologisch wertvolle Baumaterialien zu verwenden und weitestgehend auf Kunststoffesowie auf Bauchemie zu verzichten. Ebenso selbstverständlich sollte es sein,ein Haus so zu planen und zu bauen, dass es unseren Ansprüchen möglichst lange genügt,dem Wandel der Zeit standhält und uns beim Bewohnen und Benutzen immer wieder erfreut.

Von Menschen gebaute Häuser prägen die Identität von Orten und Lebensräumen, Sie schaffenErinnerungen und Sehnsuchtsorte. Wir sollten uns also unserer Verantwortung für die von uns gestalteteUmwelt bewusst sein, örtliche Traditionen respektieren und uns Zeit für unsere Aufgaben nehmen.”


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In this episode im talking to EX FIGURA
Meet Barbara Stallone and Francisco Silva

“we believe that everything influences / inspires everything
we design / create / produce between all art forms”

Let´s have a look into the future and get to know their opinion on how the future might look like. Have fun listening!

Whitaker Studio

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In this episode im talking to Whitaker Studios.
Meet James Whitaker.
“Based out of our office in London, Whitaker Studio designs one of a kind buildings, master plans and objects that pepper the globe, for clients who want something unique. We are passionate about what we do and love every last second of it. We don't have a set style, or set way of working, but rather a constantly evolving collection of interests we want to explore. We start every project with no preconception of what it should be other than that it should be the best possible project it can be. That journey always starts by listening to our clients. If we want to create something that is great, really great, we need to understand our clients and see the world from their perspective. Find out what the ‘best possible project’ means to them. Once we understand their motivation, desires and dreams we can pick up a pencil and start to sketch. And if we do our job right, and keep listening, then we can achieve our goal of creating great work.”
Let´s have a look into the future and get to know his opinion on how the future might look like.

About this podcast

Visionary podcast talking about What´s Next - Rethinking Architecture.
Let´s take this adventurous ride together exploring What´s Next in the fields of architecture, design and technology.

by Therese-Marie Hinrichs


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